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Application essays help: timelines

Writing your essay may depend on other activities surrounding this important task. You may need to complete a round of testing, have transcripts sent and complete a rough draft of your essay as part of your timeline. During the year you may be busy preparing for college by applying for financial aid, visiting potential campuses and busy completing applications. Keep in mind you may be required to have certain items completed by the end of a season depending on the school for which you are applying.

Understanding What You Need to Do Before the Deadline

There is actually a considerable amount of activity to consider when completing your application essay you should review. This includes completing required testing, filling out forms and getting information together such as transcripts, applications for financial aid, and other important details. As a student getting ready to enter college you may have a number of tasks set before you that may take about a year for you to complete. Some tasks you may have other opportunities to complete while others have a deadline you must meet beforehand.

Preparations to Consider During Summer through Early Fall

During this time you may begin getting ideas of where you want to go to school. You may also begin a round of testing to learn your eligibility. In some case you may begin getting registered to complete testing and request information from potential schools including application and admission content. This is a good time to review questions and concerns about the application process and how to get your content completed in time. Many students also start their application essay rough drafts at this time.

Late Fall and Early Winter are Most Significant Times for Applicants

Recommendation letters may be sent, applications may be completed and finalized and you may still be on the lookout for scholarship and grant opportunities. You may start getting content sent in the mail and have a number of follow ups to consider. You should at the same time still maintain good grades at where you are attending school currently as this can also have an effect on your approval. During the spring you may learn of your acceptance to schools you applied to. There may be other exams or testing you can complete if necessary. If you learn of rejection there may be certain circumstances that apply you should review.