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What is a discovery structure of an academic essay

Academic essays can be more demanding than the high school level essays you’re used to. Often in college or university there’s a lot higher level of standards for the writing and research, which can frustrate and overwhelm students. Discovering the perfect structure for an academic essay is all about outlining and preparing your materials before you start working. It’s realistic to realize that outlining and structure discovering do take time, but they will save you more time later in the process. Since you’re making all the decisions about your academic essay now, you can just focus on the writing after, and be able to finish the work faster. An outline also prevents you from having to rewrite huge chunks of your essay since you already will have written down what you want to talk about in this project.

Making a Discovery Structure or Outline

Discovering the structure of your essay as you outline is one of the most fun parts. You’ll get to figure out what you need to include, do some research, and get everything organized. Preparing for writing the academic essay isn’t that hard, and what you’ll learn from it, you can use in every future essay to speed up your writing process. Here are some tips you can use to create a great outline:

  1. Start with the beginning. It’s easier to think of things in chronological order. What does your introduction need, and what does your teacher ask for?
  2. Then think about the middle parts or the body paragraphs. Are there subtopics related to your main topic that you can talk about? Put most of your research and notes in this section.
  3. For the conclusion, you don’t need anything in the outline except for a quote or question to end with. Since the conclusion is simply a summary of the rest of the essay, you can write that later when you’re doing the first draft.
  4. Now all you need to finish discovering the process of an outline is to check with the guidelines for this assignment. Does your professor want a certain number of pages or a word count for length? Is there a specific format or structure you should use? Make sure you know all of these details now, while making the outline. It’s much easier to include them ere than to change things later on.